Social networking – beginning INF506

Social Networking
Social networking is about sharing. On social networks people can come together and share ideas, information, stories, photos, videos. Social networking is about people connecting with others through digital tools.

Networking technologies most frequently used

Facebook I try to keep Facebook for my personal life; however, many of my friends are also my colleagues. My timeline is filled with articles about libraries and technology in between friends’ family and travel photos. I post library information on our school Facebook page as it is used by our parents.

Twitter I use Twitter as a professional learning tool, following note worthy colleagues. I discovered Paperli a website takes your twitter feed and turns it into a daily newspaper. I can scan the headlines, read what I am interested in without feeling like I might miss something important. This year I created a current events paperli as a trial for our middle school students.

Diigo I save websites and articles on this bookmarking website daily. We have been using Diigo with our debate teams as a research tool. All members of the team belong to the group and share articles and discuss them through Diigo. Our Professional Learning Community is now using this tool to share websites and articles.

Youtube I have been creating i-movies to showcase visiting authors, battle of the books and aspects of learning in our library. This year I have been using Screencastomatic to show students how to use Noodletools, EBSCO and our online catalogue Destiny.  I post these videos to Youtube.

 Google We are a Google school and use almost the entire Google suite of tools for collaboration and organisation.

Good Reads and LibraryThing Our Istanbul Librarians’ Network has a monthly book chat meeting and we record all the books we chat about on our group page. Our February book chat meeting was held on Google Hangouts due to a snow storm. We recorded it and posted it to the group page. I use Librarything to record all the books I read so I can remember titles when I am recommending books to students.


Learning in INF506
I would like to learn how to harness social network technologies to promote the work of our library. I want to let our community know about the great resources we have in the library and how they can access them. I think social networking is a way to achieve these goals.