Starting with the end in mind

I see that at the end of this paper we are to complete a reflection on our Blog. One way I like to reflect is to see where I started from and then consider all the things I have learned while studying this paper.

To be honest I am taking this paper as it is a compulsory part of the Master’s degree. I am not sure I would choose to study cataloging. The paper title is “Describing and analyzing education resources” which sounds excellent though most librarians would read this as cataloging.

I think it is essential to make sure the people using our collection know how to access all the materials we have. I love our catalogue system “Destiny” provided by Follett. I want everyone to see all the great resources we have and if they know of other resources we need to suggest them to me.

One real problem I have is that I have inherited a catalogue that has been created by people who were not trained librarians and which is added to by someone who is not a trained librarian. Our catalogue records are shambolic to say the least.

I really want to learn in this paper is how to catalogue in such a way that my students and colleagues can find what they are looking for. I also want to learn how to edit existing catalogue records and improve them. I would love to develop a systematic way to check records and then edit them.

I would also love to learn how to teach my students and colleagues how to use the catalogue. Perhaps I should do some research to see what they do and then work out how to best help them. I have committed to creating some screen capture videos to show people how to use Destiny. This would be a great way to show them how to access our resources. I hope this course will help me to do that really effectively by knowing what sort of information to include.

So these are my beginning thoughts. A place to start. Here is a video I made about how we use Destiny at IICS.