Why read? Richard Peck’s answer that question

I love this poem and have used it often as a prompt when asking students why they love to read.


I Read by Richard Peck

I read because one
 life isn’t enough, and 
in the pages of a book I can be anybody;

I read because the 
words that build 
the story become mine, 
to build my life;

I read not for happy
 endings but for new
 beginnings; I’m just
 beginning myself, and 
I wouldn’t mind a map;

I read because I have
 friends who don’t, and
 young though they are,
 they’re beginning to
 run out of material;

I read because every
 journey begins at 
the library, and it’s
 time for me to start 

I read because one
 of these days I’m going
 to get out of this
 town, and I’m going to
 go everywhere and meet
 everyone, and I want
 to be ready.”2H I read because

–Richard Peck, author
, Zihuatanejo, Mexico, 
1990 (Peck, 1991, p. 120)

Peck, R. (1991). Anonymously yours. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: J. Messner.