International School libraries – information, innovation and impact


The theme of this year’s IASL conference was information, innovation and impact. We certainly have had the opportunity to consider these things through keynote addresses, workshops and presentations.

I have heard from librarians from Thailand, Zimbabwe, Qatar, Indonesia, Malaysia, Turkey, USA, Australia, Croatia and Brazil. They spoke about their research, their libraries and their students. They presented about rural libraries in great deprivation and addressed innovative ways to try to overcome their problems. They presented about services, events, and programmes to impact their students’ interests and abilities to read and research.

The one thing we all shared was that the school libraries we work in and for are set against a backdrop of continuous change. We are all striving to make an impact and the final keynote address by former IASL president, Diljit Singh, encouraged us to use our efforts wisely. To address the things that our Heads of school were concerned about – reading, achievement, effective use of technology, academic research, whatever it may be that is what we should focus on.

In 2014,Kathy Caprino wrote an article for Forbes magazine about the 9 core behaviours of people who positively impact the world. They are:

1. They dedicate themselves to what gives their life meaning and purpose.

2. They commit to continually bettering themselves.

3. They engage with people in open, mutually-beneficial ways.

4. They invest time and energy not in what is, but what can be.

5. They embrace critique.

6. They spread what they know.

7. They uplift others as they ascend.

8. They view the journey as the goal.

9. They use their power and influence well.

Throughout this conference, I have met school librarians who are making a positive impact on their students and teachers. It has been a wonderful week of learning and I certainly come away feeling inspired and ready to continue in our school library to innovate and make an impact.

Here is a great story about one man who has made a positive impact. It is called “The unlikely librarian”

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